
EXILES + CRESCENT MOON ☾ 2e. Feelings-delving role-playing.

Created by Pocket Compass Co.

Join a band of outcasts clawing their way out of a grim world of nightmare in EXILES. Go on a strange journey into a patchwork world of daydream in CRESCENT MOON ☾. These twin fantasy games center around exploring your characters' psyches, feelings, and relationships as they traverse a strange world shaped by their own dreams. Crescent is all-ages, tender, and whimsical. EXILES is dramatic, action-packed, and violent. Crescent Moon was published first as a physical release, and is getting a rules update on this new edition. EXILES expands on the themes of the original and benefits from familiarity with the system, but can be played standalone. Projected shipping date is sometime in late 2023 or early 2024. Development updates are posted to Kickstarter: